vPost Promo Code Singapore February 2025

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vPost Singapore Shop Globally, Ship Securely

Find a complete list of vPost promo codes in Singapore, discount codes, coupons and credit card promotion codes, and special offers in 2025. Shop globally and ship securely and save up to 80% on International Shipping from USA, Europe, and Japan shops at more than 50,000 overseas retail online stores.

vPost was launched in 1999 by Singpost to offer customers an online channel for bill presentation and payment services. vPost is a trusted household brand in Singapore that provides mail, logistics, eCommerce, and retail services.

Best international shipping service provider and member of the Singapore post group of companies.  vPost Singapore offers hassle-free shopping options with international shipping.  vPost delivers items from Europe, the USA, Japan, and China online retailers to you at very competitive rates. New User promotion code:  Sign up today for vPost and enjoy 20% off your first shipment at vPost Singapore.

How vPost Work?

  1. Sign up for a vPost account and you will receive a verification mail. Click to activate the account.
  2. Start shopping globally: Enter the VP number and vPost overseas address.
  3. Get notified via email once your order arrived at vPost overseas warehouse.
  4. Payment: After declaration, your package will appear on “Ready to Ship”
  5. POPStation label means: You can select POPStation as your delivery address.

Now, sit back and relax while vPost delivers your package(s) out to your doorstep or preferred pickup location from collection points island-wide.

How to use the Vpost Promo code?

Once you have selected all the packages that you would like to check out. Selected shipping mode and click on Next. Please note that only 1 voucher code/ coupon can be used per transaction. Enter your vPost promo code at the coupon box field that you are eligible for.

  • vPost Singapore Address: Singapore Post Limited
  • 10 Eunos Road 8, Singapore Post Centre, Singapore 408600
  • vPost Hotline : Tel: 1605 (Press #4 for ‘vPost’) +65 6841 2000 (outside SG)
  • vPost Online Chat: Chat Hours (SGT) Daily: 08:00AM – 08:00PM